What to eat today? – 3 Addictive Fried Rice Recipes Worth Trying at home


Fried Rice, a simple but soulful dish, is a popular choice for busy people to make when they feel like having something fancy from last night’s leftovers, or when they crave greasy food but are too lazy. In any situation, fried rice is always the right solution! How about trying bTaskee’s addictive Fried Rice Trio […]

What to eat today? 4 Easy Tasty Dishes if you’re tired of the same old meals.


Tired of the same old dishes but don’t know what to cook for a change? Try these 4 Easy Tasty Dishes and enjoy new but delicious Vietnamese cuisine with your family this weekend!! bTaskee highly recommends this 4-course menu to you! Menu: Stir-fried frog with onions Fried fish balls Bok Choy soup with clams Dessert: […]

What to eat today? – 4 Unique Homemade Dishes with these simple ingredients!

Cooking for the family might seem simple to some people. However, in reality, it is anything but easy. Every day, some of us always have to “squeeze our brains” to think about what to eat and innovate our meals. Understanding those concerns, bTaskee has prepared a special gift as your companion. Check out these 4 […]

5 Awesome Ways to get kids motivated for school after summer vacation


How do you get kids motivated for school after a long period of summer vacation? Try these following 5 extremely effective tips! After a long summer vacation, most children are often in the state of being too lazy to go to school. The reason is that kids are used to staying at home instead of […]

5 bí kíp giúp trẻ có hứng thú trở lại trường sau kỳ nghỉ hè


Làm thế nào để trẻ hào hứng trở lại trường sau một khoảng thời gian dài nghỉ hè là nỗi băn khoăn của rất nhiều phụ huynh hiện nay. Cùng bỏ túi 5 bí kíp sau đây để giúp trẻ có hứng thú quay lại trường học một cách dễ dàng và vô cùng hiệu […]